Suicide Prevention — Please Share — Get Paid Crypto to Prevent Your Own Suicide

I will pay you some of my crypto to complete these suicide prevention steps

Mati Allin
3 min readMay 13, 2022


Crypto Saves Life is an informal non-profit founded by retired therapist Mati Allin.

The only thing in crypto that needs to go to zero is suicide.

Hi, I’m Mati Allin.

Crypto allowed me to retire from my job as a mental health and substance abuse therapist. I want to pay it forward by paying you to not commit suicide. All I can do is point you in the right direction and give you a little crypto. I can’t be your therapist or be available for emergencies, but I hope that together we can save lives by increasing awareness, creating healthy incentives and someday programming mental health into money.

Mati Allin (left) takes a picture with Bitcoin YouTuber Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano at Bitcoin 2022 in Miami.

Overview for steps to get paid crypto to get suicide prevention help

  1. Determine if you need help.
  2. Follow simple instructions to create a safety plan that includes getting paid crypto.
  3. Keep living and build a…

